Our Blog About Academic Success And What It Takes To Be A Scholar In The Field


Most of us know that to be a successful scholar we need to be continually improving our knowledge and skills. This article will elaborate on the different ways in which one can do this, as well as providing tips for people who are just starting off their career as scholars. Economics is a broad subject … Read more

The Best Job in the World: A Teacher’s Perspective

How does one become a teacher? It’s certainly not the easiest of jobs, nor the most lucrative, but it’s arguably the most rewarding. Teaching can take years to master, but once you do, you’ll find that there’s nothing quite like the feeling that comes with knowing you helped someone grow in some way. This article … Read more

Why Twitter’s Free Speech Problem is Only Getting Worse

It’s no secret that Twitter has serious problems with freedom of speech and censorship, but the problem has only gotten worse over time. The social network, which prides itself on being the free-speech wing of the free-speech party, has routinely censored posts that don’t match their own left-leaning standards, like those of actor James Woods, … Read more

The entrepreneurial journey: A guide for anyone starting a business

Startups, whether they’re small businesses or big companies, are a vital part of our economy. But like so many things in life, starting a business can be tough. You have to have the right ingredients—and you need the help of someone who can give you the support you need and teach you how to succeed. … Read more

Lets discover our children’s abilities before we label their disability

Dr Celestine Tan has graduated from European International University, Paris, France, and she was conferred the Doctor of Education (Specialized in TESOL for Learners with Special Education Needs). EIU is a QS 5-stars well-rated university, as well as a listed university with the French Ministry of Higher Education.    In addition, Dr Tan also holds a … Read more

Education is undoubtedly the levier par excellence: it will raise the individual standard of each one & eventually their nation!


Pastor of a church of 4000 members, televangelist, international speaker. A charismatic leader of knowledge and education with a servant’s heart, a life dedicated to social and the humanity. Extremely motivated to develop further constantly and grow professionally and humanly by guiding others. Married and father of 3 children, with a very happy with family. … Read more