Are management skills necessary for engineers? Absolutely

According to the Oxford Concise Dictionary, ‘engineer’ comes from the Latin words ‘ingeniare’ and ‘ingenium’, which mean to contrive and cleverness, respectively. Engineers are undoubtedly necessary in our world as they are trained to apply scientific knowledge for the best use of natural and technological resources.

And while they learn in college how to use problem-solving skills for technical issues, not everyone develops the ability to use this knowledge in a leadership and management setting.
Therefore, those who have really acquired the capacity to solve problems for technical issues and in the social sphere of leadership are worthy of double praise. That includes the special features of good planning, delegation, communication and people management.

If someone has done a lot on leading from an engineering and a management perspective, that is Prof. Dr. Nam Vuthy. As a hardworking servant of his country, he earned the positions of Construction and Cadastral of Tuol Kork District Phnom Penh (2010-2017) and Construction and Cadastral of Kandal Steng District Kandal Province (2017 to the present) as Chief of Office of the Department of Land Management Urban Planning. The contributions he has made to his country, Cambodia, have earned him the honor of being given the 1st Royal Order of Cheatobaka granted by H.M. the King of Cambodia.

Moreover, Prof. Dr. Nam Vuthy is an honorary member of the ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organisation as an ASEAN Chartered Professional Engineer. This should be no surprise as he holds a very comprehensive education background: He received a Bachelor of Civil Engineering at Institute of Technology of Cambodia (1995), a MSc in Civil Engineering at International University (2008) and a Ph.D in Business Administration at Asia Euro University (2018). In a sign of interest in increasing his academic and research training, Prof. Dr. Nam Vuthy became a recent graduate of the European International University-Paris’ Professional Doctorate in Business Administration (2022).

“Having the educational and research support of the EIU-Paris has helped me improve in the service I have given to my country, which is the highest honor of my life.”

Prof. Dr. Nam Vuthy

One of his most prolific contributions in the area of management is a deep analysis of SUSTAINABLE LAND MANAGEMENT IN KINGDOM OF CAMBODIA, which is available on EIU-PUBLICATIONS LIBRARY. As he asserted on this thesis, “land is livelihood” in Cambodia and there lies the importance of making good use of this economic assent, which is a source of work and wealth. As several citizens of this nation have been dispossessed from their lands, it was necessary to offer an insightful set of solutions to this problem. The Government started the LMAP program and its main goal was to create a system to register land with issued titles and, as a consequence, to grant land security for the poor. However, there were significant shortcomings in the project that led to disappointment from the World Bank and the citizens. Prof. Dr. Nam Vuthy’s work finds the balanced way to appreciate what was done in a correct way and what needs to improve for Cambodia to be a fair and well managed country in the field of land sustainability.
So, it is clear that engineers need management skills if they want to succeed in solving issues or proposing solutions to big problems, just like Prof. Dr. Nam Vuthy has done.

Managing a core engineering business

The Professional Doctorate (PD) program at EIU-Paris
Too many people find it really hard to pursue postgraduate higher education since they have to get into the labour market after finishing their bachelor’s degrees. The traditional university system has left behind a great deal of talented and intelligent individuals as it is necessary to decide, in most cases, whether to be in academia as full-time students or to leave it completely for their job.
At EIU-Paris, we believe that you can improve your management and leadership skills without interrupting your career. We offer the opportunity to advance in business and executive education in a time and cost-effective way: No barriers for busy working adults and no sacrifice of your personal commitments and passions, such as your family and job.

With our Professional Doctorate (PD) program, we support you to apply the experiences from your field in order to get the most innovative ideas in the form of original research. Whether you decide to take an immersed journey through our research approach or choose Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience (VAE), your success is guaranteed as we leverage on technology to deliver and assess learning.
What previously seemed impossible to achieve is within the reach of all those who enroll with us: Using applied knowledge from your work to obtain a doctorate from one of the most prestigious distance universities in the world. And all this with the assistance of a top-level academic faculty that will accompany you. So, you’ll feel motivated and willing to give your very best.
On top of that, our professional doctoral program has a wide range of specializations to suit the diverse careers of the students who come to us. Therefore, if you need to acquire different skills to improve your profile or want to delve into what you are passionate about, this degree is for you.

Submitted by Student Intern, Alessandro Odoardi For thoughts and queries email [email protected]

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