Our Blog About Academic Success And What It Takes To Be A Scholar In The Field

Most of us know that to be a successful scholar we need to be continually improving our knowledge and skills. This article will elaborate on the different ways in which one can do this, as well as providing tips for people who are just starting off their career as scholars.

Economics is a broad subject that encompasses many different aspects of study. This means that there are plenty of opportunities to specialize or focus your research on a particular topic that interests you. In this article, we will explore the different areas of economics you could choose to study and how they overlap with one another.

The article is about how this budding scholar has to constantly research and publish for his success. He has a hope for the future of economics at this very youthful age.

Meet Dr. Toshpulatov Alisher Aminovich a Research Scholar with a passion and desire to research & explore in the filed of macroeconomics, innovation and modernisation of global economies. At the age of 28 Alisher ( as he likes to be called) has already got more than 10 scientific papers (in Russian and English languages, 7 of them in recommended economic journals by Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and Tajikistan, and 1 article in journal of Finance: Theory and practice (Scopus).

He holds a Phd. In economics from Russian Tajik Slavonic University and Doctorate in business administration in Innovation management from European International University – Paris

Global Economic Trends

Humble Beginnings: How I Became A Scholar In Global Economics At A Young Age – Explains Dr. Alisher

There are a number of things that you can do to ensure your academic success in global economics. First, it is important to have a strong understanding of the fundamental concepts. Make sure you are comfortable with the material before moving on to more difficult topics.

Second, it is essential to keep up with the reading assignments. The textbook is not the only resource you should be using; be sure to also read the articles and other readings that your professor assigns. Not only will this help you better understand the concepts, but it will also give you a leg up when it comes time for exams.

Finally, don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Your mentor/professor is there to help you succeed; don’t hesitate to contact them during office hours or send an email with your questions. In addition, there are many resources available on the publications library along with tutoring services and writing advice, that can help you if you’re struggling.

By following these tips, you can set yourself up for success in your global economics coursework. With hard work and dedication, you can achieve anything!

Prof. Dr Edward Roy Krishnan Seniormost Faculty and Director General of EIU-Paris explains that The role of the scholar in global economics is more important than ever before. With the rise of globalization, the world economy has become increasingly interconnected. As a result, scholars who specialize in global economics play a crucial role in understanding and predicting economic trends.

While there are many challenges that come with this responsibility, such as the need for continual learning and keeping up with rapidly changing data, the rewards can be great. For those who are passionate about making a difference in the world economy, becoming a scholar in global economics is an excellent way to make a positive impact.

Research & Development at EIU-Paris

The Power of Research:

Dr. Jatin Anand of EIU-Paris demonstrates the importance of Why Your Thesis Needs University Backing

Researching your topic can seem like an arduous process at first, but it’s an essential part of the writing process. A thesis has to be backed up with thorough research because otherwise there’s no way to convince anyone that you’re right, even if you are completely certain of your own position. The best research helps your readers understand why you hold the beliefs you do, providing them with evidence to back up your stance and helping them understand what you’re saying without being condescending or boring.

While you’re in the process of writing your thesis, it’s not uncommon to feel completely overwhelmed by the amount of research you have to do. With so many papers to read and studies to digest, you might feel like you could use more time or perhaps even an assistant to help out along the way. Keep reading if you want some tips on how to do effective research and make sure that your thesis has backing with the power of research behind it!

It can be easy to think of research as an afterthought when you’re writing your thesis, especially if you’re just starting your doctorate program and have never done research before. However, there are several key reasons why you should do plenty of research before starting your thesis, even if you have no idea what it’s going to be about yet. If you can use these tips to find the best sources while conducting your own research, you will stand out to everyone who reads your work later on and get one step closer to finishing your degree with honors.

Dean of the Management Studies at the European International University-Paris Prof. Dr. Joel Farnworth who has more than 25 years of experience in supervising researchers and their dissertations narrates that Research is a powerful tool for any student, professor, or professional in any field. It is essential for building a strong argument and developing an effective point of view. Research allows us to draw conclusions from factual evidence, weigh the pros and cons of different theories, and develop logical arguments that can be substantiated by fact-based evidence.

In today’s world, research is essential for making important decisions in both the professional and academic spheres. It can provide the basis for an effective thesis statement, which can then be supported by further evidence. A strong research base also helps to make an argument more persuasive and more likely to be accepted by readers and decision makers. At the same time, research can be used to refute existing arguments and create new ones. By examining the available facts and data, researchers can assess existing theories and conclusions, compare different ideas, and identify potential flaws in existing research. In addition, research can provide a useful starting point for further exploration of topics. Research is an invaluable tool for any student, professor, or professional. Whether you are writing a paper, designing a product, or evaluating a company, research is necessary for providing credibility to your argument. Research gives your argument the backing it needs to be taken seriously and ensure it is seen as authoritative. Without research, your ideas may come across as unsupported opinions or speculations.

Through research, we can help to ensure that the advancement of society continues in a positive direction. By understanding the current state of the world, and by looking at how things have evolved over time, we can make sure that our decisions are based on facts and evidence, rather than on opinion or speculation. This will lead to better decisions, more efficient policies, and a better future for everyone.

EIU-Paris attracts high-quality talents & students

Ms. Tina Yang who is the Academics Head at EIU-Paris says that EIU-Paris dedicatedly supports Research Scholars & advises that for young graduates looking to stand out from the crowd and make an impact, research is an invaluable asset. It provides them with the opportunity to gain experience, develop essential skills, and make lasting contributions to society. One of the examples is of Dr. Alishers contribution who has set a benchmark for others.

Dr Alisher’s Thesis can be viewed or used for citations & references at https://eiu.ac/journals/

Thesis 1 | Thesis 2 | Thesis 3

Article submitted on 05.12.2022

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