Today, we are going to discuss a topic relevant and urgent in fighting for the sustenance of humanity- climate change. With glaciers rapidly melting and animals going extinct one after other, it leaves us asking how this man-made issue could possibly be resolved?
said Dr. Silva Kumar in a conference
Dr. Silva Kumar is a P.D.C. (Corporate Social Responsibility) & D.B.A.
The more we delay our efforts to put climate change into perspective, the larger the scale at which it will have to be resolved in the future, the more the man-power, extinction, investment we will have to bear.
One of the largest threats we face is a warming and rising ocean. Various countries are due to drown in the next few years as so many are already at water level, facing serious floods that have swept miles and miles of cities.
Since the 1980s each decade has been warmer than the previous one which is a forbidding signal of the globes rising temperature. Heat waves are becoming increasingly frequent as wildfires too become a commonality. This depletes what we have left of our planets natural resources, further putting us in a serious loop in problems.

Increasing Co2 emissions are making oceans acidic, making marine resources that feed billions scarce. Heat stress too diminishes grasslands, affecting livestock and crop yields causing a scarcity of food increasing problems like hunger across the world. These also have effects on socio-economic well-being since floods or droughts may lead to loss of homes for many. Weather-related events have known to display 23.1 million people.
These are just some issues that have stemmed from climate change and I can assure you its just the beginning. As we move in hope of a prosperous future, we require a mind-set that quits under-estimation of such problems and work collectively towards curbing them.
This Abstract is a part of EIU-Paris weekly Expert quotes on various trending topics