Ahmed Aldughaylibi’s Testimonial: What Our Students are saying!

Ahmed’s perspectives on his experience at EIU-Paris while his MBA-HR has made us proud. Read below a short interview with him in his own words.

Real Talk from Real Students

I was concerned that I would not be able to manage the demands of the course around my existing work and life commitments especially in the HR Department. However, the EIU Paris MBA exceeded my expectations in all these regards. The programme is a powerful combination of foundational learning and the latest academic and business thinking, and the course’s timetable is accommodating and fits well with my work schedule. I was pleasantly surprised that many of the other students in the program were, like myself, working professionals, many of whom were also busy with family life.

The hybrid format of MBA program was a great balance for me. Even with the heavy workload that comes with a career in Payroll and HR, the very flexible courses allowed me to engage in the course material without compromising my performance at the office. I am very glad that I pursued my MBA with a Major in Human Resources Management. In a tough economic environment, businesses need strong leaders that can adapt. My time spent learning and growing at EIU-Paris helped me adapt to land this job.

I highly recommend this program to any working professional looking to make that next step in their career. I am so grateful for this program: excellent instructors and professors, an easy online portal, and meaningful material that you will immediately apply into your career life. You will feel that you made the right decision.

Mr. Ahmed Ibrahim  Aldughaylibi Master in Business Administration- Human Recourses Management, Batch 2023 Senior Payroll Specialist Saudi Downtown Company Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Student-Centric Success: A Closer Look & Interview

1. How was your experience with EIU? – Experience here with EIU has been a life changing decision. I’m grateful about everything here. classes with best faculty and the amazing curriculum designed is all I needed for my MBA in HRM.

2. How was the staff here at EIU? – The staff was very helpful and supportive at times I needed any help. Both the academic and non-academic staff were excellent and very prompt in responding to my needs.

3. How has EIU helped you? – EIU has been playing a very important role since I joined it. It has helped me gain knowledge studying curriculum designed by highly educated and experienced professors. The theoretical and practical knowledge help me get a wider picture of business and management.

 4. How did you find the course curriculum ? – EIU is a Great place to get an MBA at this price! The curriculum is designed internationally and broken down into 8 modules. It helped my experience to be very smooth and earning me a Master’s degree in HRM.

5. Share a few words about EIU-Paris. I never thought of getting MBA degree at such an affordable price. It was a tough decision to select the correct university to follow my MBA program. I am very glad that I pursued my MBA with a Major in Human Resources Management. In a tough economic environment, businesses need strong leaders that can adapt. My time spent learning and growing at EIU-Paris helped me adapt to land this job.

I highly recommend this program to any working professional looking to make that next step in their career. I am so grateful for this program: excellent instructors and professors, an easy online portal, and meaningful material that you will immediately apply into your career life. You will feel that you made the right decision.

6. What is MBA for you? – The MBA in HRM course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the principles and practices of Human Resource Management. The course covers topics such as organizational behavior, industrial relations, human resource planning, recruitment and selection, performance management, etc. which are essential for managing human resources effectively. The MBA is a business degree that offers a balance of theory. This program prepare working adults for advancement in the field of business that prepare individuals for advancement into upper-management positions. An MBA enhances career opportunities while providing the structural foundational knowledge of business administration.

7. How did you manage working and doing MBA? – I could have never received an MBA while working full-time and managing my family if without the help of EIU-Paris. The professors are very helpful and flexible.

8. What are the things that you specifically like about EIU apart from the degree? – Getting an MBA at such an affordable rate and the international convocations caught my eyes. I learnt at my own pace without any interference

9. How has your life changed after EIU? – Getting a job in such a reputable company is so much more than i expected. Today, I am working in Saudi downtown company, a master and lead developer owned by the Public Investment Fund (PIF), the key enabler of the advancement of the Kingdom’s vision, and guided by its strategy.

MBA-Human Resource Management – EIU Paris

Getting a job in such a reputable company after my MBA at EIU-Paris is so much more than I expected. Today, I am working in Saudi downtown company, a master and lead developer owned by the Public Investment Fund (PIF), the key enabler of the advancement of the Kingdom’s vision, and guided by its strategy.

Ahmed Aldughaylibi

Submitted on 18.08.24 by Dr. J Anand EIU-Paris

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