Your Alma Mater Awaits: Why Joining Your Alumni Association is a Smart Move

Graduation caps tossed, diplomas in hand, you might think your connection to your school ends there. But that’s where the magic of alumni associations begins! These organizations bridge the gap between your past as a student and your future as a successful professional, offering a network of support and opportunity that extends far beyond the classroom.

Here’s why you should consider joining your alumni association:

  • Powerful Professional Network: Alumni associations connect you to a vast network of professionals who share your alma mater. This opens doors to mentorship opportunities, career advice, and even job openings. Imagine tapping into the experience of CEOs, industry leaders, and fellow graduates who can guide you on your professional path.
  • Lifelong Learning: The world of work is constantly evolving. Alumni associations often host workshops, seminars, and lectures featuring industry experts. This allows you to stay current on trends, develop new skills, and gain a competitive edge.
  • Giving Back, Getting Back: Alumni associations create a platform to give back to your school and future generations. You can volunteer as a mentor, participate in fundraising events, or even guest lecture in your field of expertise. Contributing your time and knowledge strengthens your school’s reputation and fosters a sense of community.
  • Beyond Business: Alumni associations aren’t just about work. They organize social events, reunions, and local chapter meetups, allowing you to reconnect with old classmates, build new friendships, and create lasting memories.
  • Exclusive Perks: Many alumni associations offer exclusive benefits to members, such as discounts on insurance, travel, or even merchandise from your school store. Who doesn’t love a little saving while repping your school pride?

What can Alumnus of EIU-Paris expect ?

Joining the EIU-Paris Alumni Association unlocks exclusive benefits and advantages.

Scholarships Fund: Provide financial support with a scholarship (25% Grant) to eligible students from the Scholarship fund for friends and family members of our Alumni Members

Career Networking: Participate in our Career Network to connect with alumni interested in networking and allow current EIU students to find you.

Lifelong learning: Yearly 5-6 Webinars by Industry Experts with complimentary Certificates from EIU-Paris & free attendance to all Members – Non memnbers pay $50 per Certificate

Discounted Events: 50% off the Ticket prices for majority events held in London, Paris & Dubai for all members

Online Resources: Access all our Journals, Publications & Scholarly articles for free to EIU-Paris Alumni Members

R & D: Submit Thesis, Scholarly Articles, Papers and stay on top of the Academics

EIU-Paris Magazine: Special Features covering Alumni Members with stories, mentions, career, research & enjoy all content online on priority, A column managed dedicatedly by Alumni

The EIU-Paris Shop: Discounted EIU-Paris Products, Apparels & Merchandise for Members only – minimum 25% discount on all Merchandise.

EIU-PARIS – EMAIL _ID: Most Rewarding personal EIU-Paris Alumni email ID for all Alumni Members

By joining your alumni association, you’re not just reconnecting with your school, you’re investing in your future. It’s a win-win situation for you, your alma mater, and the ever-growing network of accomplished professionals you’ll become a part of. So, what are you waiting for? Reach out to your alumni association today and start reaping the benefits of this lifelong connection!

EXECUTIVE MASTERCLASS & WORKSHOPS: We have planned 5 executive workshops on various trending areas and subjects for our Alumni members. These workshops will be conducted by industry experts and faculty and all the participants from the Alumni Association will be given a certificate of attendance. Non members pay $150 per certificate. The topics of this years workshops are

  1. Digital Transformation & Disruptive Innovation
  2. Transforming the Next Generation of Leaders for a Disruptive Workplace
  3. Communication, Public Speaking & Politics
  4. Growth Mindset
  5. Impactive Business & People Leadership

Why you should join Alumni Board of Directors?

  • Enhanced Professional Recognition
  • Visibility and Influence
  • CV & Profile boost
  • Competitive edge
  • Responsibility

Alumni Association Website


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