Submitted by Alessandro Odoardi
When education meets innovation
If we could survey students in all country around the world about how they view school, what results would we obtain? Would they see school as their favorite place or as a horrible destination? In 2014-15, the amount of content on Instagram describing modern schools as a prison was impressive, and the main concerns were their “dress code, loss of individual freedom, focus on silence and so on” (Geraci, 2023).
Although this was and still is a fun situation for Internet users, what goes through the minds of educators when seeing content like this? The modern teacher must have a high sense of reflection and critical thinking. Their main concern should be how to turn the classroom into a learning space in which students feel enriched and stimulated to learn.
Teaching is a skill and teachers need to innovate and create a fun. Part of this is making an interactive classroom environment, and part of this is also improving old techniques that need an urgent update. Sir Ken Robinson, a world-renowned creativity expert, has stated that “So when we look at reforming education and transforming it, it isn’t like cloning a system. There are many great models. It’s about customizing to your circumstances and personalizing education to the people you’re actually teaching.”
Ms. Kriti Mathur’s quest for innovation
Ms. Kriti Mathur, an elementary teacher, a lifelong learner and a mother, has 10 years of experience in curriculum development and implementation for students in the age group of 2 to 7 years. If we think about it, this age range is a delicate time for children’s early development. You don’t just learn numbers, vocabulary and language bases. There is a process of interaction between individuals, a mind independent of parents is developed and a transition to school is carried out in more advanced stages.
An excellent teacher must have the ability to help the student find themselves in the middle of such a crucial moment in their life. Here the balance between academia and fun, intellectual development and personal improvement is called into question.
Achieving this balance may take time, but Ms. Kriti Mathur has been a significant team member in her many roles over the years as a teaching assistant, homeroom teacher, and PYP coordinator in leading international schools in India. In her recent role as a PYP Facilitator at Global Indian International School, Singapore she was responsible for implementing best practices as per the early years’ framework of the PYP as well as concept-based learning in Grade 1.
The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you!
Kriti Mathur

The experience has led her to the constant search for innovation and creativity to direct appropriate strategies in the classroom. And to add even more to her impressive resume, Ms. Kriti Mathur studied for a Master of Education (MEd) at the European International University, Paris.
She truly believes that “the difference between a great and an excellent teacher is the belief one has in their own abilities and the relationships they build over time with their colleagues, their students and most importantly themselves.” Currently on a full-time parenting break, her philosophy of life is, “Build your own story as you are unique and beautiful in your own way.”
During one of EIU’s conference recently Prof. Dr Joel Farnworth said “Kriti has been an exemplary student of education at EIU-Paris” summarizing her dedication in one sentence.
Importance of formal education in teaching as a career
There is no doubt that the experience leaves a profound impact on us to understand the process of knowledge transmission. Likewise, the experience permeates the teacher with the understanding of how to create close and productive relationships with students.
However, it is common to see how many teachers become absorbed in their professional careers and leave formal education aside. This is partly explained by the number of hours that have to be in the classroom, the correction of assignments and the many commitments that life itself imposes. Also, most educators are caught in the dilemma of pursuing graduate studies or remaining stagnant in their careers. It is not an easy decision because pursuing a doctorate, for example, means moving to another part of the country (or the world) with a high budget and leaving behind many of the projects these teachers are carrying out.
According to Psychologs Magazine (2023), a “PhD will give you access to research positions in think tanks and various academic organizations.” So, how can this goal be attainable? At EIU-Paris we have designed several online programs that give today’s modern teachers the opportunity to prepare themselves while continuing with their busy schedule.
We have all levels of education, including bachelor’s, master’s and even a research PhD in teaching, school administration and leadership. Pursuing a masters and a doctorate opens up great job opportunities, acquiring transversal skills, contributing to innovation in your field of study, orienting your career towards research and the academic field, becoming a reference and collaborating in research projects and studies at an international level. With this, you have the possibility of applying for scholarships to continue with your research side, and to train other future professionals and researchers.

“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge”
Albert Einstein
- Geraci, A. (2023, 19 abril). Why does school always feel like prison? The Quinnipiac Chronicle.
- Magazine, A. P. (2023, 21 september). Importance of PhD in Education. Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine .
- Ted Talk Quotes on Innovation in Education. (2024).